Chimpworks - Various projects

At Chimpworks we worked on various mobile game projects; from cutsey puzzle games to dungeon crawlers with zombies!

Click on the icon of the game project to learn more about it.

Excalisoft - Pilot Perils

Pilot Perils is a side-scrolling flying action-adventure mobile game set in a steampunk world full of floating islands and steam-powered machines.

For this project I was the lead artist and worked with a pre-existing art style. I created environment concepts, assets, enemies, animations and more!

Selection of works

Selection of works

Ronimo - Awesomenauts

My first experience working at a game studio as a game artist! At Ronimo games I did my internship and worked on their hit: Awesomenauts!

Speelbaars - Lumini

A student graduation project that resulted in an actual studio and released game! I had the pleasure of working as a concept artist and helped creating various designs for enemies, environments, color schemes but also narrative design.

Selection of works

Selection of works

Client work - various commissions

Various commissions I did for clients.

Click on the icon of the project to learn more about it!

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